Jamie’s story of living with hepatitis B in Taiwan

Jamie discovered she had Hepatitis B during her freshman health check-up in college. Both her maternal grandmother and her mother have chronic Hepatitis B infections. With her ongoing battle against Lupus and undergoing immunosuppressive therapy, she had begun antiviral therapy for her Hepatitis B. Jamie urges young individuals to speak out about their infections to combat societal stigma and anticipates more effective treatments in the future. She emphasizes that treating Hepatitis B is less costly than treating liver cancer, pointing to the importance of starting treatment early before it progresses to liver cancer.

Producer: Jacki Chen

Interviewers: Jacki Chen, Rhea Racho

Sponsor: Hepatitis B Foundation (USA)

Organizer: Taiwan Hepatitis Information & Care Association (THICA)


Philip’s story of living with hepatitis B in Ghana


Cash’s story of living with hepatitis B in Taiwan