Cash’s story of living with hepatitis B in Taiwan

Cash knew that she had hepatitis B at the age of 14, during a regular school health check-up. She was told that everything was fine, no need for treatment. Unfortunately, a liver tumor was discovered and found to be a malignant cancer. She underwent surgery and took part in a clinical trial to prevent the cancer from coming back, and started to take antiviral to control the virus.

Producer: Jacki Chen

Interviewers: Jacki Chen, Rhea Racho

Sponsor: Hepatitis B Foundation (USA)

Organizer: Taiwan Hepatitis Information & Care Association (THICA)

Cash Storyteller in Action

This is a recording of a Facebook LIVE event featuring hepatitis B/liver cancer patient Ms. Cash and President of Hepatitis B Foundation Dr. Chari Cohen from Pennsylvania, USA. This event shows the premiere video of Ms. Cash's BtheVoice story video, and a live discussion among panelists and with viewers online.


Jamie’s story of living with hepatitis B in Taiwan


Jacky’s story of living with hepatitis B in Taiwan